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Planning Fees

The following fees have been approved by Long Point Region Conservation Authority’s Board of Directors and are required to be paid by the proponent in order for LPRCA staff to review an application under the Ontario Planning Act. The fee schedule needs to be read in conjunction with the General Notes for all Application Fees that follow.

Planning Act Review Fees
Application Type Fee Total
(with HST)
Pre-consultation Fee
Review, comment or participation in pre-consultation process $300.00 $339.00
Subdivision and Vacant Land Condominium
To draft plan approval including Associated OPA and ZBA $1,380.00 + $100/lot + HST
Maximum $15,000.00 +HST
Red-line revision (applicant initiated) $455.00 $514.15
Technical plans and reports (SWM with grading & sediment and erosion control plans; EIS; slope stability) $720.00 $813.60
Clearance letter (each phase) $225.00 $254.25
Zoning By-Law Amendment
Minor $455.00 $514.15
Accompanied by 1 technical report $720.00 $813.60
Accompanied by 2 technical reports $1,430.00 $1,615.90
Combined Offical Plan/Zoning By-Law Amendment
Minor $720.00 $813.60
Accompanied by 1 technical report $1,430.00 $1,615.90
Accompanied by 2 technical reports $2,060.00 $2,327.80
Consent (severance)
Minor $455.00 $514.15
Accompanied by 1 technical report $720.00 $813.60
Accompanied by 2 technical reports  $1,430.00 $1,615.90
Minor $455.00 $514.15
Accompanied by 1 technical report $720.00 $813.16
Accompanied by 2 technical reports  $1,430.00 $1,615.90
Site Plan Control
Minor $455.00 $514.15
Accompanied by 1 technical report $720.00 $813.60
Accompanied by 2 technical reports  $1,430.00 $1,615.90
Complex Application (incl. OPA/ZBL/Site Plan)
for golf courses, trailer parks, campgrounds and lifestyle communities $2,060.00 $2,327.80


Download the Planning Act Review Fee Schedule as a PDF (PDF 166KB)


General Notes for All Application Fees:
  • It is strongly recommended that proponents pre-consult with LPRCA and, if necessary the municipality, prior to the submission of all applications and the preparation of detailed technical reports(s).
  • This fee schedule is effective as of January 1, 2025 and LPRCA reserves the right to revise this fee schedule at any time without notice to adequately cover the costs to provide the service.
  • All applicable taxes are extra.
  • Applications that fall under one or more categories will be charged at the highest rate.
  • The fees are assessed based on the extent of review required. LPRCA reserves the right to levy supplementary fees should the review require a substantially greater level of effort than covered by the standard categories above; this supplementary fee includes peer review of any relevant documents or information.
  • The fee for technical review includes one comprehensive review, and one review of the resubmission. Each additional submission will be subject to a resubmission fee of 20% of the original application fee, up to a maximum of $500. Fees must be paid at the time the application is submitted.
  • Where a Section 28 permit approval is required in addition to a Planning Act application for the same activity, the Section 28 permit fee will be discounted 50%.