The Strategic Plan highlights the strategic directions that act as a framework to the Authority’s projects and operations— protect people and property from flooding and natural hazards, deliver exceptional services and experiences, support and empower our people, and organizational excellence.
Under the guidance of the 2019-2023 LPRCA Strategic Plan, the Authority made significant accomplishments on the objectives including: completion of erosion/hazard/floodplain mapping, installation/upgrades of weather stations throughout the watershed, completion of three dam safety reviews, corporate website redesign, Vittoria Dam Class Environmental Assessment, Deer Creek Dam repair, Waterford North Conservation Area upgrade, completion of the 20-year forest management plan, planting of over 270,800 trees and the completion of 59 erosion control and restoration projects.
The 2024-2027 Strategic Plan builds on the previous plan, which incorporated feedback from our municipal partners, provincial and community partners and the public. This refresh also includes new feedback from our Board and staff and is guided by the recently approved Conservation Land and Watershed-based Resource Management Strategies priorities and action plans. This includes fulfilling our core mandate of delivering programs and services that further the conservation, restoration, development and management of natural resources in the watershed.
On behalf of the Board and staff, we are excited to build upon the successes of the prior Strategic Plan. The refreshed Strategic Plan will provide the organization support to leverage technology, improve our programs and services, focus our resources on the identified objectives and to strengthen the health of our watershed.
Robert Chambers Chair, Board of Directors |
Judy Maxwell, CPA, CGA General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer |
Read the 2024-2027 Strategic Plan (PDF 10MB)