Long Point Region Conservation Authority is a registered Canadian charity committed to protecting, restoring and managing the natural resources and features in the Long Point Region watershed. Donating to our efforts is a great way to make a difference and support local, on-the-ground conservation initiatives and cultural heritage projects. There are a number of ways interested parties can contribute to LPRCA.
Donating to the Long Point Region Memorial Forest is a special way to honour a family member, friend or colleague who has passed away. Memorial Forest donations support the maintenance of a naturally growing memorial and facilitate LPRCA’s efforts to increase tree cover. These donations go towards planting trees and creating a greener future for the next generation.
The Long Point Region Memorial Forest is located at the entrance to Backus Heritage Conservation Area. An annual dedication service is held on the third Sunday in September to commemorate all those for whom memorial donations have been received.
Recognition labels are not attached to the trees in order to ensure their continued good health. A permanent record of all donations, and the people they commemorate, is kept in a memorial register located in the Conservation Education Centre at Backus Heritage Conservation Area.
Donate to the Memorial Forest
Donations to the Memorial Forest program can also be made by calling 519-842-4242, ext. 221 or by sending a completed Memorial Forest Donation Form, along with a cheque made out to Long Point Region Conservation Authority to 4 Elm Street, Tillsonburg, ON N4G 0C4.
Learn more about the Memorial Forest on its webpage.
The Conservation Education Centre is closed for the 2022 season while it undergoes renovations. We’re taking the exhibition to a whole new level – and you can help! Our fundraising campaign is underway and we are accepting donations to revitalize this important interpretive centre.
Donate to the Revitalization Project
For information on the project, visit the Conservation Education Centre webpage.
An easy way to support LPRCA and our conservation initiatives is through a single financial gift to Long Point Region Conservation Authority. Your donation will be used locally to protect and restore the environment in the Long Point Region watershed or to enhance visitor experiences at our conservation areas. Make cheques payable to LPRCA and mail to 4 Elm St., Tillsonburg, ON N4G 0C4, or call 519-842-4242, ext. 221 to make a donation by phone.
Are you a landowner in the Long Point Region watershed with property that includes natural features such as forest, wetland, streams, creeks or valleys? Would you like to work with LPRCA to protect these ecological features for future generations? LPRCA accepts donations of land from generous landowners wishing to help ensure a legacy of a cleaner and healthier environment that is protected for years to come. All potential land donations are assessed to ensure that they fit within our strategic priorities and conservation programs.
You can choose to donate all or part of your property now or through your will. If your property qualifies, the Ecological Gift Tax Program offers added incentives to make a gift of property. Your lawyer, estate planner or financial advisor can offer guidance that is personalized for your situation.
Long Point Region Conservation Authority has a great deal of experience working with conservation-minded landowners. For more information on donating land, please contact LPRCA’s General Manager at 519-842-4242, ext. 224 or email jmaxwell@lprca.on.ca.
Time can take its toll on historic structures and buildings at Backus Heritage Conservation Area. Help LPRCA preserve our cultural heritage and connect people with history by making a donation to help restore significant heritage structures in the Backhouse Historic Site or support heritage conservation with a gift to the Backhouse Historic Site Trust Fund. In memoriam donations may also be made to the Backhouse Historic Site Trust Fund.
The Backhouse Historic Site Trust Fund was established with the goal of providing funds for projects that would otherwise not be undertaken in the Historic Site. Each year, since 1992, interest generated from the Trust Fund has been used by the Conservation Authority to renovate buildings and support curatorial and interpretive services. A donation to the Historic Site Trust Fund will help support the 1798 Backhouse Mill, Backus Homestead or one of the other fifteen historic structures.
Gifts through the Backhouse Historic Site Trust fund or specific project campaigns directly support the programs and sustainability of the Backhouse Historic Site. If you are interested in helping Long Point Region Conservation Authority protect and restore the Backhouse Historic Site, contact the Curator at 519-586-2201, ext. 230 for details.