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Flood Status & Messages


The current flood status for the Lake Erie Shoreline in the Long Point Region watershed is normal.

Flood status indicator: normal

The current flood status for Riverines in the Long Point Region watershed is normal.

Flood status indicator: normal

Latest Flood Messages

Watershed Conditions Statement – Water Safety (Update – Event Message # 2)

March 14th, 2019 Get PDF → View Post →

Watershed Conditions Statement – Water Safety (Event Message # 1)

March 8th, 2019 Get PDF → View Post →

Flood Outlook for Lake Erie Shoreline

March 7th, 2019 Get PDF → View Post →

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Municipal Resources

Understanding Flood Messages

LPRCA uses an easy-to-identify colour-coded warning system and issues the following types of flood messages:

    • Normal — There is no ongoing flooding or flooding expected to happen.
      Flood Status Indicator: Normal
    • Watershed Conditions Statements — Watershed Conditions Statements are general notices of weather conditions that could pose a risk to personal safety or that have the potential to lead to flooding. There are two types of conditions statements:
          • Water Safety Statement — High flows, unsafe banks, melting ice or other factors that could be dangerous for recreationalists, children and pets.  Flooding is not expected.
            Flood Status Indicator: Water Safety Statement
          • Flood Outlook Statement — Early notice of the potential for flooding based on weather forecasts calling for heavy rain, snowmelt, high wind or other conditions that could lead to high runoff, cause ice jams, a rise in Lake Erie, lakeshore flooding or erosion.
            Flood Status Indicator: Flood Outlook Statement
    • Flood Watch — Flooding is possible in specific watercourses or municipalities. Municipalities, emergency services and individual landowners in flood-prone areas should prepare. A Flood Watch message describes watershed conditions, the potential impact and may include a forecast of water levels. Municipal flood coordinators should initiate a check on their flood or emergency plans, monitor potential problem areas and, if required, remain on standby alert. Municipal flood coordinators may also advise specific properties at this stage.
      Flood Status Indicator: Flood Watch
    • Flood Warning — Flood Warnings are the most serious type of message issued. When a Flood Warning is issued, flooding is imminent or already occurring. A Flood Warning message may include a call for a specific action to be taken by flood coordinators and/or emergency services, such as closing roads and bridges, activating emergency response plans, warning residents in impacted areas or, in some cases, evacuation.
      Flood Status Indicator: Flood Warning
What if a Flood Message is Issued for My Area?

Take heed of any flood messages issued for your area. Be prepared to follow the advice and instructions of emergency response officials. Take steps to protect yourself, your family and your business in the event of a flood or other emergency. Visit the following pages for more information and resources to help you prepare: