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Shoreline Conditions Statement – Flood Outlook (Event Message #1)

December 4, 2024

The Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA) is issuing a Shoreline Conditions Statement – Flood Outlook for the entire Lake Erie shoreline within its jurisdiction. This includes the Municipality of Bayham, Norfolk County, and western Haldimand County.

A significant weather system is forecasted to bring high winds to Lake Erie over the next 24 hours. Sustained winds of 60 km/h from the west/southwest are forecasted, with gusts reaching up to 90km/h starting this afternoon and into Thursday. These high winds may result in increased water levels due to storm surge and wave action.

Western Haldimand County may experience minor shoreline flooding, wave uprush, and increased erosion along the shoreline. Water levels at Port Colborne are forecasted to peak at 1.91 m (175.41 m IGLD) between 5:00 am and 7:00 am Thursday morning.

Bayham and Norfolk County have a lower risk of minor flooding, as water levels at Long Point are expected to peak at 1.34 m (174.84 IGLD) between 5:00 am and 7:00 am Thursday morning. Residents are urged to exercise caution and avoid areas along the Lake Erie shoreline experiencing strong wave action and elevated water levels. Parents are reminded to keep children and pets away from these areas. Community flood coordinators are asked to monitor road conditions along the lakeshore closely.

LPRCA staff will continue to monitor Lake Erie conditions and will provide updates to this message as necessary.

This Shoreline Conditions Statement is in effect until 4:00 pm Thursday, December 5, 2024.

Contact LPRCA at or 519-842-4242 should further information be required.

Shoreline Conditions Statement – Lake Erie Flood Outlook: Early notice of the potential for flooding based on lake levels, weather forecasts, or other conditions that could cause a rise in Lake Erie water levels, lakeshore flooding, or erosion.