Flood Warning Termination [Flood Message #3 | December 25, 2022]
December 25, 2022The Flood Warning issued on Wednesday, December 21, 2022 for the Lake Erie shoreline within Long Point Region Conservation Authority’s jurisdiction is now terminated.
During Friday’s event, high winds caused storm surge flooding along the Lake Erie shoreline. Lake Erie flood levels reached 175.64 metres (IGLD85) in Port Dover and 176.3 metres (IGLD85) in Port Colborne. These elevations correspond to flood stage 1 and flood stage 3 respectively.
While lake levels have since dropped, strong winds are still present. Therefore, a Shoreline Conditions Statement – Lake Erie Flood Outlook will remain in effect until 8 a.m. December 26, 2022.
LPRCA staff will continue to monitor conditions and will update this message as necessary.
Contact David Proracki, Water Resources Analyst, at 519-842-4242 extension 264 should further information be required.