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Flood Outlook Statement (Flood Message #1)

March 4, 2022

Long Point Region Conservation Authority is issuing a Flood Outlook Statement for all areas within its watershed.

Flood Status Indicator: Flood Outlook Statement

The watershed is expected to receive warm temperatures and rainfall this weekend, with temperatures above 10o Celsius anticipated. An average of 25.8mm of Snow Water Equivalent over the watershed was recorded on March 1, 2022. Light rain is in the forecast with 10-15mm expected between Saturday, March 5 and Monday, March 7. Frozen areas are expected to melt and contribute to watercourse flow. These conditions create the potential for minor flooding in flood-prone areas. Additionally, any watercourses with ice cover may have increased flooding through ice-jamming behind flow constrictions or bottlenecks.

Members of the public are reminded to stay away from ditches, streams, rivers and ponds as the combination of slippery banks and cold, fast-flowing water is dangerous.  Parents are reminded to keep children and pets away from these areas.

Landowners are also advised to make sure dams, culverts and catch basins are free from debris and functioning properly.

Water levels are expected to remain high for several days. Therefore, this Flood Outlook Statement is in effect through Sunday, March 13, 2022.  LPRCA staff will continue to monitor conditions throughout the watershed and will update this message as necessary.

Contact Ben Watson at 519-842-4242 ext. 265 should further information be required