Riverine Flood Watch (Flood Message #2)
February 16, 2022Long Point Region Conservation Authority is issuing a Riverine Flood Watch for all areas within its watershed.
The Long Point Region watershed is expected to experience warm temperatures and rainfall from this evening to tomorrow afternoon. There is an average of 34.7 mm of Snow Water Equivalent, and an additional 25-50 mm of rain forecast. There is, however, a large degree of uncertainty about the amount of precipitation and the state it will take (rain or snow).
The rain and warm temperatures are expected to result in a partial melt of the snowpack. Localized flooding can be expected because of ponding around frozen ditches, culverts and catch basins. Depending on the amount of rain we receive, flows into local waterways may result in minor flooding in low-lying areas. Additionally, there is the possibility of local movement of river ice and ice-jamming. Flood Coordinators are being asked to monitor areas typically prone to ice jams.
Members of the public are reminded to stay away from ditches, streams, rivers and ponds as the combination of slippery banks and cold, fast-flowing water is dangerous. Parents are reminded to keep children and pets away from these areas.
Landowners are also advised to make sure dams, culverts and catch basins are free from debris and functioning properly.
Water levels are expected to remain high for several days. Therefore, this Flood Watch is in effect through Sunday, Feb. 27, 2022. LPRCA staff will continue to monitor conditions throughout the watershed and will update this message as necessary.
Contact David Proracki, 519-842-4242 ext. 264, should further information be required