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Flood Watch – Lake Erie Storm Surge

April 20, 2020

The Lake Erie shoreline Flood Watch – Lake Erie Storm Surge is now extended until Monday, April 27th 2020.

Weather forecasts are currently predicting moderate winds between 25-40 km/h this week into Sunday. Lake Erie recently set a new monthly average level for March and continues to be well above average for April. With these exceptionally high levels, even moderate winds can cause low lying areas along the shoreline to be flooded.

Standing water, erosion, property damage and other impacts may continue to affect areas along the shoreline. At this time, LPRCA reminds everyone to stay away from areas affected by recent shoreline flooding due to possible erosion, instability and other damage. Parents are especially reminded to keep children away from these areas.

Community flood coordinators are advised to monitor the forecast and standby for further information.

LPRCA staff will continue to monitor forecast conditions and will update this message as necessary.

This Flood Watch is in effect until 9:00 AM, Monday, April 27th.

Contact Matt Churly at 519-427-4242 should further information be required.