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Lake Erie shoreline Flood Warning terminated, Flood Outlook reinstated

November 28, 2019

Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA) has terminated the November 27 Flood Warning for the Lake Erie shoreline and reinstated the standing Flood Outlook. Wind speeds and the resulting wave action have slowed but Lake Erie water levels are still high.

Though the wind and waves have slowed, low-lying shorelines, lakeshore bluffs and river mouth areas may still be experiencing standing water, erosion, property damage and other effects from the overnight flooding.

LPRCA encourages everyone to stay up to date on municipal messaging and avoid shoreline, bluffs and river mouth areas that may be slippery or experiencing erosion as a result of the flooding. Extra care should be taken to ensure that children and pets are kept away from these hazardous areas.

Lake Erie’s water levels are likely to remain high over the coming months. High water levels increase the likelihood that wind-driven flooding events may occurs. The fall and winter months are typically when the lakeshore experiences strong winds, so chances of additional flooding throughout the next month are high.

Due to these conditions, LPRCA is reinstating the previously issued Watershed Conditions Statement – Lake Erie Flood Outlook for all Lake Erie shoreline areas within its jurisdiction. Long Point Region Conservation Authority staff will continue to monitor conditions and will update this flood message as necessary.