Long Point Region Amended Source Protection Plan Approved
March 27, 2019Updates to the plan that protects the sources of municipal drinking water in the Long Point Region have been approved by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, the Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA) announced today.
“The approval of the Source Protection Plan amendments is another important step in the continuing protection of municipal drinking water sources across the Long Point Region,” said LPRCA Chair, Mike Columbus.
The amended Long Point Region Source Protection Plan and Assessment Report were approved by Minister Rod Phillips on March 11, 2019 and took effect March 25, 2019. Some highlights of the amended assessment report include new or revised groundwater protection areas within Norfolk County; and the addition of a protection zone for nitrates within the Municipality of Bayham. Significant amendments to the source protection plan include the establishment of water quantity policies for the Simcoe water supply and policies to reduce nitrate concentrations within the Richmond drinking water system. An Environmental Registry of Ontario posting has a summary of the amendments: https://ero.ontario.ca/notice/013-4630.
The source protection plan is a local science-based plan designed to protect the water quality and quantity of the local lakes, rivers, and aquifers that supply municipal drinking water systems. Within the plan are a variety of policies, programs, and actions to eliminate or manage potential risks to municipal drinking water sources.
Amendments to the plan were based on technical studies, collaborative policy development, and public consultation. The process was guided by the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee, which includes municipal, agricultural, business, industry, public interest, and First Nations representatives. “The many stakeholders involved throughout the plan update process should be proud of their work and this achievement.” said Wendy Wright-Cascaden, Chair of the Lake Erie Source Protection Committee.
The source water protection plan has been prepared under the Clean Water Act, 2006; with funding provided by the Province. Conservation authorities provided technical and administrative support for plan development; in conjunction with municipalities.
The amended plan and assessment report are available at www.sourcewater.ca.
For further information contact LPRCA General Manager Judy Maxwell at 519-842-4242 ext 225.