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Watershed Conditions Statement – Water Safety (Event Message # 1)

January 23, 2019

A warm front is passing through the area today, bringing with it strong winds, above seasonal temperatures and up to 30 mm of rain by the end of the day.

With the forecast rain and above freezing temperatures today, snowmelt will result in rising stream levels and possibly some nuisance flooding in low-lying areas. Due to the expected rise in water levels, the LPRCA is issuing a Watershed Conditions Statement – Water Safety for all watercourses within its jurisdiction.

People are cautioned to stay away from ditches, watercourses, ponds and other water bodies as the combination of slippery banks, unstable ice and cold, fast-flowing water can be dangerous. Parents are reminded to keep children, pets and livestock away from all of these areas. Today’s freezing rain has made them even more hazardous than normal.

Strong south-westerly winds gusting up to 70 to 80 km/h are expected this afternoon, however limited impact along the lakeshore is expected due to the ice cover that has developed on Lake Erie. Colder air will return tonight, bringing the short-lived January thaw to an end.

With watercourse levels expected to remain elevated for several days, this message is in effect until noon, Friday, January 25, 2019. LPRCA staff will continue to monitor watershed conditions and will update this message as necessary.

Contact Craig Jacques, Water Resources Specialist at 519-842-4242 ext. 265 should further information be required.