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LPRCA Board approves 2017 Budget

January 27, 2017

The Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA) has approved its 2017 budget. “The 2017 Budget reflects the wide range of programs and services that help ensure the community’s expectation of a healthy environment,” explained LPRCA Chair Noel Haydt. “With support from our member municipalities, the federal and provincial governments, volunteers and the community, LPRCA will continue to implement cost-effective and innovative programs aimed at enhancing the watershed.”

The budget totals just under $4.5 million and includes a levy contribution from member municipalities of approximately $1.8 million.

LPRCA then raises the balance of the budget from other revenue sources, such as camping fees, conservation areas admissions, planning permits, property rentals, forest management revenue and provincial grants. This is the second year in which no reserve withdrawals are planned to support the operating or capital budgets.

Working with Haldimand County to update flood and erosion hazard information, completing repairs and studies totaling $205,000 for various water control structures, and spending $231,000 on improvements to infrastructure at five conservation areas, are just a few of the projects in LPRCA’s 2017 Budget.

These special projects are all in addition to the significant work that Long Point Region Conservation Authority undertakes annually, such as habitat protection and restoration, water quality projects and monitoring, flood response, education and recreation to build a healthy and resilient watershed.

For further information contact LPRCA General Manager Cliff Evanitski at 519-842-4242 ext 225.