Improve Soil and Water – Elgin farmers take the survey!
May 2, 2016Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA) wants to engage local landowners to take positive actions to improve soil health and water quality through the Great Lakes Agricultural Stewardship Initiative (GLASI).
“This is part of a broad outreach and education campaign to motivate positive agrienvironmental action,” says Paul Gagnon, LPRCA’s Lands and Waters Supervisor. “We want to inspire landowners to source out practical solutions for their properties that will reduce phosphorous loadings into local waterways but still provide them with the results they need for their farm business.”
Through the Great Lakes Agricultural Stewardship Initiative (GLASI), the Elgin Clean Water Program will be collaborating with and encouraging local farmers to take positive actions to improve soil health and water quality.
The first step in this process is a short 10-15 minute survey that aims to explore the barriers to Best Management Practice (BMP) implementation for nutrient loading reductions and erosion control. The results of the survey will help shape future outreach and education efforts including farm tours and workshops.
You may choose to remain anonymous or provide contact information to be entered to win a $50 Tim Hortons gift card.
For more information about the Elgin Clean Water Program and the grants available to Elgin County farmers, please visit
LPRCA is working in partnership with three other conservation authorities in Elgin County (Catfish Creek Conservation Authority, Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority, and Kettle Creek Conservation Authority) along with the Elgin Federation of Agriculture, Elgin Soil and Crop Improvement Association, and local agronomists.
Should there be any questions regarding the survey, please contact Betsy McClure at 519-631-1270 x229 or